Animal Transfer Network

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The Missouri Coalition of Animal Care Organizations has launched a new group to assist shelters and rescues across the state. The Missouri Coalition Animal Transfer Network helps animals find rescue placement by facilitating connections among sending and receiving animal care organizations. The Animal Transfer Network also hosts an online directory of members that can be used to help identify resources in a particular location or expertise.

Here’s how it works! An organization posts an animal that needs to be transferred out of their care and includes details about the animal’s disposition, health status, and history. Then, networkers and members of the group get to work by sharing the post and tagging organizations/people that may be able to help. Once a receiving organization has agreed to accept the animal, the group may also be used to help identify assistance with transport. Viola! Animals find the resources they need, and we're one step closer to our vision to build a strong collaborative network between animal care organizations, advocates, and communities! Sounds like a win-win to us!


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